Thursday, September 15, 2016

Me before you.

        Two articles in the same month, there must be something right?. Actually I have no Idea if this gonna be a long or a mini article or if it going to be just a though, and because I'm kind sure that only me and a few people who I actually love, read this so I usually feel more confident and comfortable to write whatever crosses my mind. So to make this straightforward let us start :).

    Only a few minutes ago did I shed my last tear after watching the fantastic piece of art or that's what they call it, aka "Me Before You". Apart from how amazing Will and Lou were together, how special the thing between them was, how handsome Sam was or how amazed I was by Mathews performance cause I've never actually watched him out of the series of Harry Potter.I'm not also going to talk about why I cried in this movie because duh :P who didn't? And because I;m actually Verhyyyy emotional so I get touched so easy by those kind of movies. But I thought about what can make a disabled man give himself a six months time to literally end his life not caring about his family, friends or so. That may be so dumb of me to ask but I've never been even to a dentist before so I'm pretty sure  I don't know how it felt to be handicapped or how would the situation be if my medical state was kind of fucked up I also know nothing about how desperate  or depressed a human being can ever be.

   But I think I can guess the reasons for his desire in ending his life  just like that. Well, first of all he didn't see anything coming he had been like this for 2 years not getting any better he's even getting worse, he had absolutely nothing to be happy for, not even a joke to cheer him up, he couldn't help but thinking about how wild he was before the accident how attractive he was and how  "Happy" he was even if he was a playboy or you don't see that his life before the accident was something to be happy about but you can't deny that he was happier than ever.And then Louisa came and basically changed his life she took him out more often to concerts, horse races.. Etc.. He started to smile again to laugh now and then and feel basically good when she's around and stuff, she loved him like real love and I bit he did too... But that wasn't enough for him to just take a step back and think of how amazing their life would be together and how happy he would be if only he gave himself the chance, that didn't stop him from only looking at the dark side of the story he didn't think of his illness as a challenge for him to keep fighting or a test that he had to pass he only thought like there's nothing worth the fight, that didn't stop him from getting his plan in action.

   We can't blame him, because we are not in his shoe, but u know when you feel like " MAN ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND, SHE LOVES YOU, YOU CAN'T BE THAT Selfish".... I guess its okay for us to feel so sometimes even if we sometimes make it hard for the people we love and we put so much on their shoulders and we;re basically getting our noses stuck in someone Else's business but we do that out of love and appreciation for the people we truly care for.

   So here's to sum up things in 3 points first: Have faith! No matter how hard it is to keep fighting while life basically keeps getting in the way every time you try to be better, people around you do care even if they are not so good at showing it, but trust me they do.
Second: don't push people away its simply the worst thing man can ever do, people become so annoying at some points and yeah sometimes you feel like you want to be alone but don't push them so far keep them around they do help.
Third: don't put so much pressure on the people you love, sometime you just have to be a reason for their relief not pressure.

May god keep our beloved ones always around, and grant us the faith we deserve to keep fighting for them and for ourselves.

Much love♥

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Dear One

     I love the way you church friendships, you actually listen to your inner voice all the time, the one that keeps on telling you that you and this person will make such a great friends, and you gracefully go with it, so nice and easy. 
you're always the generous side of the relationship you always give uncontrollably, and always think of new,nontraditional, outstanding ways to express how your friend means to you and how much you do really love him/her. 
someone once told me that people seek different roads to express appreciation to their loved ones, some just say 'I love you' when they really feel like saying it, some take good care of the tiny details, but you always go with presenting gifts. Your mind is always so crowded with ideas of nice, meaningful gifts to give to your loved ones not necessarily on their birthdays, anytime of the year would be prefect and special... "Special" here's the word, you always seek ways to show your loved ones how special they are to you. When you tell them "you guys mean the world" you actually mean it, I mean if you don't you wouldn't be that miserable, dear one.

    I'm sorry that you have to go through this, you always blame yourself  that they don't talk anymore, that they don't even seem to care anymore, that they forgot about your exerted efforts and the excitement that fills your chest everytime before giving them the "Special" gift of yours or before wishing them "happy holidays" in your unexpected ways. 
Excuse my language. But you're such an idiot, dear friend. Have you ever though about yourself  as much as you think about making them happy? Like do they even care as half as you do?, do they even find your gifts special?, have you ever felt special?. Well, I guess not.

   Don't mean to be harsh on you but look at yourself, you are literally "stalking" you're bestfriend's accounts on the social media, you over think every conversation you guys had and try to figure out what went wrong, while, it was never your fault, you're making up silly excuses for her to totally forget about your entire existence while she's getting sexy for marasi. 
dear fellow, maybe you were mistaken she wasn't your best friend form the beginning, best friends care, text, call, they are usually eager to know if you are doing alright. You just followed your inner voice so blindly, I mean you can't call any nice person a best friend, for god's sake.
  here's the deal, mate. Take a step back and breathe!! Then take the decision to let go. You don't deserve to overthink your mind out every night about things that your poor brain can't even understand anymore , you don't deserve to be exhausted, you deserve to feel special too!