Sunday, March 2, 2014

Now .. Focus !!


I used to say “teenagers should enjoy there lives,who cares for the future” but i realized that I DO CARE FOR THE FUTURE !!!! :O

         wait i have to,haven’t I !!! of course yes if i didn’t care for MY future who will for god’s sake ?!
i used to say that, because it was terrifying i mean the idea of the change itself like when you know that your whole life is going to change and your not even sure if it will be good or bad  when you ask your self ” Is it going to be worth living?”

        So i decided to plan for the future but from a 16 years old girl’s point of view on some conditions first of all it has to be  realistic (so don’t plan for marrying george clooney or something)
second it has to be creative,useful and somehow unique cause simply life is a group of paper try to write your name in the last page !! so you’ll be effective ..

     The question ”  MY LIFE, IS IT GOING TO BE WORTH LIVING?” has to be answered  from your point of view think more about what you want what “YOU” really truly want !!!be sure no body is not unique think about the adults how they feel about their lives !! (weird but exciting) 
so, Now “FOCUS HARRY” -snape :P search in the “deep you” and i’m sure you will find that one thing , YOUR THING ,the thing that will play an important role in your plan !!!!  but don’t forget that you  are a teenager ;)

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