Friday, July 25, 2014

Those were the days.

Those were the days.
I recommend you listen to
"Those were the days" by Mary Hopkins while reading, since it was inspired by it.
 Those were the days, the days when you were really happy but you did not notice. Ask yourself what happened before blaming anyone. Maybe the years went rushing by you or you forgot about the old days and the old friends or maybe you still remember them but you are convincing yourself that they are from the past, they're gone just like the old days.

 Remember when you promised your friends that you guys will grow old together and will dump your future husbands to go on a safari? Remember when you used to laugh for no proper reason?
Remember when you fought for nothing. You miss those days right? But why are you blaming people for letting you go just like that? You did it too, didn't you? But you have your ways to get them back. Friendship never ends.
Why does the phrase "OLD DAYS" even exist? If your old days are the best then why don't you make your whole life "old days"?
If you want to do something you've got a passion for, you will, sooner or later. Let's accept the fact that you are the reason why your life is boring or happy then let's remark the reasons why you had or have a happy life and let's bring those reasons back or let's work hard to keep them lasting.Every now and then imagine that you are standing on a hill watching your life going on in front of your eyes and thank God for all the great things you have and all the bad things too because it's only a test and you will be rewarded soon insha'allah.

 Remember how you thought the old days will never end? Well, now put it to the test. If you are having a happy life then don't you dare to let these days go. If you are having a bad one recall your best days back and if you never had good days make your own and just remember to live a happy life.

Edited by Noor Hamdan.

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