Thursday, December 4, 2014


    It was 6:00 am I woke up and whispered "Ready?", I couldn't tell how it felt but I was more than excited and definitely ready, I prepared myself for a normal school day so *Normal usual stuff* and then .... It's 12:00 am! I hurried to get my ticket to attend one of the most inspiring events on the face of earth ..
It's 1:00 pm now and  I'm taking my first steps into the great hall, I was thinking that I'm the luckiest kid ever to attend such an event and it was known that TEDx is capable of changing lives so yeah perhaps I'm lucky this time, I took a seat -I liked the simple decor so much- and while i was checking the place out some sort of magic sneaked into my ears  JUST WOW the beginner notes of Nostalgia soundtrack.
the talks begin to flow and it was just as I imagined maybe even Better
   But at some point I was like" i want to do this , I want to inspire people, I want to leave my mark I mean that's what I've always wanted to do I just didn't know how" and I realized that your dream job/college/whatsoever it's not you're only dream which means it's unnecessary for your wannabes to be linked to a certain Education level or a job, well that's absolutely good to think about your future and make a goal for tomorrow but what I'm talking about is to actually THINK for just one minute is that all what you really wanted?, is that the one thing you can't wait for it to happen? , If so,Then what after?

  Only one week ago I was thinking in the same exact way, I planned everything in my mind. dream college, dream job and perhaps LIFE itself, but to be honest I wasn't excited about it at all, thinking of being old and hocked on some kind of routine freaked me out. I know to dream of a college doesn't mean you'll be hocked on routine and stuff, but if that was the only dream of yours then excuse me nothing will be exciting or unique about your life.

 Set more than a goal, what about a goal for each year, week maybe day and try achieving each, to be able to feel that awesome feeling of success,TEDx did change me a lot, maybe people around me can't feel that but at least Little Rana knows that very well and that's pretty enough . can't be more grateful for the existence of that day in my tiny life and being there was like a turning point can you even believe that one day is capable of changing way of thinking, capable of changing LIVES ?! As Cheesy as it sounds but yes and it happened before my Shining-with-happiness-Eyes
so yo project mangers,staff members and speakers if your target was to inspire people and basically change their lives, then you guys should be proud you did such an incredible job can't be better in any form of way

that spirit is priceless

Sunday, September 7, 2014

They are living in laptop.

  I used to recommend you songs to hear while or after reading my article but this time my article is all about music,"They live in my laptop" that's what I exactly feel when I listen to specifc artists, maybe you'll think that's lame but I feel like they are that close to me, there's a new trend over Facebook people challenge you to write your top ten movies, books, songs .. etc 
and like any trend on the social media at the beginning people became crazy about it and then the same people started to make fun of the other people who were doing the same thing they did 2 days ago, does it even make any sense !!?

 But now allow me to take you in a classical journey and let me share with you guests living in my laptop :D

Lana Del Rey. 
since the article was inspired by her, she's going to be my number one guest, maybe there is no difference between Lana's lyrics and any other lyrics but definitely the quality of the music itself,and the deep classical way by which Lana Performs her songs is unique, she's got that  attitude bro ;)
Here's a bunch of Lana's songs :

-Once upon a dream
-Dark paradise
-Queen of Disaster
-Summertime sadness
-Body electric
-Born to die
-Break my fall
-Blue jeans
-West coast

Jasmine Thompson.
The beauty seen by the eye of the Beautiful, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard without exaggerating and she's only 13 years old. She only makes covers but she also have her own Original singles
I won't try to explain how truthful and beautiful her voice is cause you gotta listen yourself so I'll let you experience a whole new side of the songs you've already learnt

-chandelier (cover)
-Let her go  (cover)
-Mad world   (cover)
-Ain't  nobody (cover)
-Almost lover (cover)
-All of me    (cover)
-Magic  (cover)
-Demons (cover)
-Thousand years (Cover)

I don't know lord that much, but I can tell she shows the strong side of a woman for a 17 years old girl that's great, even though Lorde  makes fun of nearly every celebrity on earth but she's got a deep voice deep enough to stay in my laptop
so for lil Ms lord I got a bunch of beautiful songs worth listening  

-everybody wants to rule the world
- glory and gore

The beautiful, strong lady of Britain,  Um Khalthom, from the things I love about Adele that she gives me a different Impression about her every time she sings, all of us know Adele but only a few of us feel to notice her. 

-Don't you remember
-Someone like you
-Sky fall
-Rolling in the deep
-Set the fair to the rain
-Turning tables

Ed Sheeran.
Finally  a man..the Red head wierdo, the British man.
What I love about Ed that he's so simple and he puts all of his emotions in the song to end it up to be so simple yet satisfying 
he's different in one way or another, it feels like he's talking to me while singing I love his music and lyrics besides I appreciate a singer who writes his own songs so enjoy the Ed sheeran spirit

-All of our stars
-The A team
-Kiss me
-Give me love
-You need me I don't need
-Lego house
-Little bird
- Fall

 and it's not like I listen to nothing but those celebrities ,No I listen to them in the right time, it's because when I hear them singing it feels that they are in the same room singing to me like they are actually living in my laptop.
Here's a playlist with all the recomended songs to hear Enjoy ;)

Edited by Renad A.Amin

Friday, September 5, 2014

Somebody that I used to know.

 It takes me a lot of time to come back here and begin to write again, it also takes a lot of thinking what to write and two seconds ago I didn't know what am I supposed to write about.But you know the moment when you feel like you don't even know yourself,when you are in the middle of nowhere,....LOST ?!
I can tell that if anyone read my blog he'd find a smiley life, butterflies and rainbows everywhere, always looking at the bright side, but today I'm here to tell you all that I am lost.

 And by lost I mean I can't find my dream, my one big dream that I'll suffer all my years up to it, all I know that I want to inspire people , I want to leave my mark but I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW!!! we all have those 2 characters in our lives, the one that urge you to have a one dream and nothing but that one to do it in the end, but then what ? what am I supposed to do after achieving my big fat dream ?? what if i did not make it ?? what if after all those years I realized that It's not the one ?? and the other character encourages you to have more than a dream in the future but what for NOW ??!

 You know what's really frustrating? -  waiting
most of us don't like to wait and don't like the late achievements, most of us want their dreams NOW want give and receive the reward immediately but nothing can go like that.When we hear a story of a guy who struggled and suffered a lot until he made his way to his dream, the common thought would be like "WOW" then you'll give yourself the space to think how on earth did that happen and then you'll say it's just a good luck nothing more, but the truth is if we really want to make our dreams come true we have to go through good and bad luck in every single minute in our lives AND that's how it goes.

 But I think I know the answer, If we all divided our lives into stages and put a certain goal for every stage everything will go just fine cause people change
and you have to know that you'll wait ... A LOT, cause life is all about Patience  we can do nothing without patience but the bright side is that Allah will reward us  for the only thing we hate "WAITING". Anyways it's all a big test,  we got  to do this so, sooner or later we will wait and goals also cannot be done without trust, we have to trust Allah and ourselves that we can do this insha'allah, also remember that you are the only one that can do it so do not listen to anyone saying otherwise cause we all know that we all can ;)

Recommended songs after reading: Firework enjoy :D
edited by Renad A. Amin

Friday, July 25, 2014

Those were the days.

Those were the days.
I recommend you listen to
"Those were the days" by Mary Hopkins while reading, since it was inspired by it.
 Those were the days, the days when you were really happy but you did not notice. Ask yourself what happened before blaming anyone. Maybe the years went rushing by you or you forgot about the old days and the old friends or maybe you still remember them but you are convincing yourself that they are from the past, they're gone just like the old days.

 Remember when you promised your friends that you guys will grow old together and will dump your future husbands to go on a safari? Remember when you used to laugh for no proper reason?
Remember when you fought for nothing. You miss those days right? But why are you blaming people for letting you go just like that? You did it too, didn't you? But you have your ways to get them back. Friendship never ends.
Why does the phrase "OLD DAYS" even exist? If your old days are the best then why don't you make your whole life "old days"?
If you want to do something you've got a passion for, you will, sooner or later. Let's accept the fact that you are the reason why your life is boring or happy then let's remark the reasons why you had or have a happy life and let's bring those reasons back or let's work hard to keep them lasting.Every now and then imagine that you are standing on a hill watching your life going on in front of your eyes and thank God for all the great things you have and all the bad things too because it's only a test and you will be rewarded soon insha'allah.

 Remember how you thought the old days will never end? Well, now put it to the test. If you are having a happy life then don't you dare to let these days go. If you are having a bad one recall your best days back and if you never had good days make your own and just remember to live a happy life.

Edited by Noor Hamdan.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Because I'm happy.

 - So, I caught you smiling that day in thesupermarket what's the secret ?! - What .. ?! why there's always that possibility

that's why I'm here to clarify that you can smile, laugh dance around the room do all that " USUAL" stuff with no reason cause life is too damn short for those questions

  What can be the reasons of man's happiness? I can tell, all the forgettable details in our lives for Example food,  a random scent, your school maybe your parents who knows, maybe  your teacher, good things are everywhere so OPEN YOUR EYES.There's an option in some people, I can call it the twisting option
 if you can see the good things in the bad situations, if you can twist the bad days to see the bright side then congrats you've got that awesome option.

 good friends are always our source of happiness cause they  always say things we like to hear continuously but what's so awesome about that I mean okay, that's normal but happiness also can be found in the abnormal situations for example if you are doctor and some guy asked you about a medical stuff and you simply answered  him that's good but what so amazing about it but if you are a doctor and you heard two guys talking about computer science for example and you shard them they'll be like " dude how come? you are a doctor" you will be proud of yourself and HAPPY so try something different and be happy.

  Happiness is your job, if you managed to love what you do for living you will live happy ever after even if you are a plumber be sure that your job is all bout happiness, you are making people happy and this is the best thing you can do and god will reward you also it's a normal thing but if you looked at your life from this side you will be happy with your normal, Routine  life so work hard and be HAPPY

Be happy cause you have life, parents, Free country, Homies, and Home "Happiness can be found even in the darkest time if one only remember to turn on the light" -Albus Dombledore (Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban )

Saturday, July 5, 2014

For The love of Ramadan

  Not going to give a lecture about how Ramadan is a beautiful and a holly month cause we all heard that so many times before, but we lately heard this sentence " I want to go back in time cause Ramadan was better back then" we all think that Ramadan got nothing special lately I'm mean like kinda boring?

 My good friends Ramadan is a generous man he always comes with the most special and unexpected things,most of people think that Ramadan was better cause of "Bakar", "fawazer nelly", "Amo Fou'ad" and what so ever so i tried to make my Ramadan special i watched Episodes of those series nothing changed completely nothing you know why? cause Ramadan is good really good at being so damn good without any extra flavours.

 And those kids at my age who keep wishing that they could go back in time to see Fawazer sharihan and Amo fouad, well dudes if your wish really came true there will be no you on earth i mean if you go back in time 16 or 17 years you will disappear buddy ! there's so many special things in our Ramadan too, go with it live your actual life.

 unfortunately it's not only Ramadan it's almost every thing they think LIFE was so much better in the past but give it a try and think about it, i mean if we keep stucking there forever, we will never have the chance to enjoy things NOW, of course i don't mean now every thing's butterflies and Rainbows but you can't complain about every single detail you will die with nothing to tell to your grandsons.

Read this NOW
then like it then share it with you'r dudes ;)
  ;) سـلامـات

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Idea of Death ..
Try to play this track while reading ..

It's been 4 years and 4 months from now .. 25th of Jan. 2010, 2:00 AM she was gone I'm talking about the unnoticeable light in my tiny life , I'm taking about the most beautiful and caring woman I've ever seen .. Grandma I didn't have enough , I wanted more I know you've had enough of lifebut i didn't realize that you mean that much to me before, but It's different now ..I was a little girl 4 years ago.. but I'm old enough now can't you see !

   she’s my grandmother god bless her soul .. I didn’t accept it i mean THE IDEA OF DEATH i blamed my mother for letting her go just like that  .. !! for accepting the whole thing i didn’t feel it , i didn’t spill a tear for like 2 years over her cause  i thought that if i did it means that i’m accepting her death it feels like when you are in the middle of nowhere ..i wanted to kill all the grandmothers in the world just to feel that everything is normal ..:P *IMAGINE*

   cause now simply and suddenly I realized that everything isn't the same after her like when you feel there is lack of blessings after her death, but why now ?! I mean I should'v  got this feeling back then not now ! now I feel like there's plenty of topics we can discuss, it just hurts badly I can notice my mother crying sometimes .. 
seriously how come she's moving on after the death of her mother.. how could she be so strong !! cause if it was me god knows if I'll survive

 So here's why i'm saying all of this  because if your grandmother still alive go and cover her with kisses , go through nonsense topics with her, dance in front of her and if she asked you what are you doing tell her "shut up grandma, I just love you so freaking much"  cause trust me it hurts
the idea of death hurts ...!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My Best friend till the very end ..

What up beautiful people? SONGS RECOMMENDED WHILE READING THIS "Oath - cher lloyd " ENJOY


        LIFE what a big thing full of choices! your friends are one of those choices but if you really though about it you'll find that you don't actually think of what you are doing when you are getting to know anybody, I mean you don't think that you'r making a huge decision right know, and you don't know the consequences of what you are doing. but i'll tell you what WHO CARES? you are allowed to take the wrong choice , to get deceived by dudes you used to call them your best friends , to fall and get back on your feet cause simply you are form the human race. 
      I think if we have a room full of 10 people for example you will see that one guy who knows all the people in the room but still have this one friend the one who knows every thing about him .and you will notice the other guy who don't know anyone in the room but his best friend,and you'll know that  he'd be lost in this tiny room without his best friend you will also see the third guy who knows every one in the room very well and everyone have a piece of his heart , he is everyone in the room's best friend and everyone is his best friend but the thing is don't go out of your comfort zone, your best friend is the one who won't judge you anyway or let me say the one who you won't be lazy to tell him everything ;)     
  And let me get this clear friendships ain't about the time it all depends on the person himself, for example if you know a guy from 3 years and another one from 3 months and you felt like you knew this guy from a long time ago you can't say even when you spend more time with the second one ,that you love the first one more just because you knew him first NO just NOOO , the time is a factor but the friendship doesn't depend on it, right? 
   "Do you love me more or your mum more" I asked my mother, she said that "that's love and that's a different kind of love" well, that made " my whole life is lie :O" moment cause i though that there's only one kind of love which is LOVE you know ? i mentioned that to tell you don't compare your love to your best friend to the love of your siblings for example because it's a different kind of love

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Now .. Focus !!


I used to say “teenagers should enjoy there lives,who cares for the future” but i realized that I DO CARE FOR THE FUTURE !!!! :O

         wait i have to,haven’t I !!! of course yes if i didn’t care for MY future who will for god’s sake ?!
i used to say that, because it was terrifying i mean the idea of the change itself like when you know that your whole life is going to change and your not even sure if it will be good or bad  when you ask your self ” Is it going to be worth living?”

        So i decided to plan for the future but from a 16 years old girl’s point of view on some conditions first of all it has to be  realistic (so don’t plan for marrying george clooney or something)
second it has to be creative,useful and somehow unique cause simply life is a group of paper try to write your name in the last page !! so you’ll be effective ..

     The question ”  MY LIFE, IS IT GOING TO BE WORTH LIVING?” has to be answered  from your point of view think more about what you want what “YOU” really truly want !!!be sure no body is not unique think about the adults how they feel about their lives !! (weird but exciting) 
so, Now “FOCUS HARRY” -snape :P search in the “deep you” and i’m sure you will find that one thing , YOUR THING ,the thing that will play an important role in your plan !!!!  but don’t forget that you  are a teenager ;)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Little Me


Well I dreamed for years to be older not like a teenager No, like an adult a
 MADEMOISELLE or something like that, that when I was like 10 or 12 years old I wanted people to take me seriously
  like there's a creature's talking not only a kid :P I wanted to say my thoughts out loud  and don't be afraid of being a child 

so I hated the fact of me I wished to be older and I said that to the adults and they were like "oh common you don't,
you will hate being adult", how that made me feel? it made me afraid..a little of the idea itself and Excited like never before
the much that made me kill my fear wishing even harder to grow up

And now as a Teenager I don't want to be a child again like the most of guys and girls at my age,
 well to be a teenager wasn't Little Rana's dream but def. as a teenager the situation changed I mean now people are taking me seriously and everything, so I have no right to wish to be older, right? and that's what happened you can notice me making fun of those teenagers who always act like there are 25 years old or sth,and you can always hear me quoting Avicii's song "Wish that I could stay forever this young not afraid to close my eyes" so this is obvious  that I gave up my wish and I don't want to get any older but that's not because of people ,not because now they are taking me seriously, when those adults said to me when I was kid
you will hate getting older I asked myself why would I, I was sure they were not talking about being a kid cause it's good to be a kid but not enough
I mean as kid your life is eating , playing ,be angry of nothing and that's it but now I'm sure they were talking about being a teenager.

Ladies and gentlemen "نحن فى ازهى عصورنا" the difference is we know that we are enjoying our age despite all the ups and downs as  teenagers
 when we was kiddos we were just playing we didn't realize we were enjoying now we have no responsibility except for planning for our future
 we are responsible for that but I mean we have nothing to worry about except ourselves and the smart dude will plan well so he don't have to worry ;)

 seeing all of these adults wishing they were as young as I am makes me proud of my "16 years" and makes me arrogant as well but a lot of teenagers
 don't get that they think being a teenager is all about suffering and have problems and face Blisters :P
but NO everything have dark and bright side you can mange that you can look at the bright side you won't be able to mange that all the time -Yes, but try

well that didn't make me lose the desire to be an adult but as I said the situation changed now I'm Excited to be an adult and know how they feel about this different life  I want to be an adult to see my dreams really happening I  want to be older to go to the collage
, marry and have a family (What..?? I'm a GIRL)
but I'm happy cause I'm still a teenager anyway :D